Dream Catcher Making Workshops
Always wanted to know how to make a dream catcher? Well here is your chance! Learn the art of weaving and create a 7-7 ½ dream catcher. Hoops, beads, and feathers are provided. Participants are encouraged to bring their own personal embellishments they'd like to incorporate. Dream catchers are not only beautiful, but can also be healing, medatative, and give rise to a hidden artistic side you never knew you had ! Ages 9 and up. Couples, moms and daughters, friends fun day out will all enjoy this class.
The Legend Of the Dream Catcher
The Ojibwa (Chippewa) believe that night is full of both good and bad dreams. When a dream catcher is hung above the place where you sleep it moves freely in the night air and catches the dreams as they drift by. The good dreams, knowing their way, pass through the opening in the center of the webbing while the bad dreams, not knowing the way, are caught in the webbing and destroyed at the first light of the morning sun. There are many variants to the dream catcher legend, some which say both the good and bad dreams are captured and some which say the good dreams slide down the feather to those sleeping below. Although the Ojibwa are credited as the first people to use dream catchers many other Tribes and Native peoples have adopted Dream Catchers into their culture. Even though the designs and legends of Dream Catchers differ slightly, the underlying meaning and symbolism is universal and is carried across cultures and language barriers. Everybody dreams.
Hang the dreamcatcher near the place where you sleep, on the wall, or perhaps from a lampshade or bedpost. Should your dreams become too active, or if you feel you need a break from the workings of your dreamcatcher, simply lay it down on a flat surface to render it inactive until you are ready to hang it up again. The dream catcher is believed to capture bad dreams at night only allowing good dreams to enter into our head. The Dream Catcher represents a spider web and often sacred items like feathers, beads and crystals are woven into the web. It is said to protect us from bad dreams. Legends held that the spider web design of the dream catcher would allow good dreams to pass through and float down the hanging beads and feathers to sleeping children. Bad dreams become entangled in the web. However dream catchers are believed to work, their underlying meaning and symbolism remains the same. It is believed a dreamcatcher can become “clogged” with the negative dreams & energy and no longer become able to protect the dreams of the sleeper if it is not cleared each night. Another method of clearing the dream catcher is burning sage and wafting it through the dream catcher (and over the entire dreamcatcher).
The Ojibwe people have an ancient legend about the origin of the dreamcatcher. Storytellers speak of the Spider Woman, known as Asibikaashi; she took care of the children and the people on the land. Eventually, the Ojibwe Nation spread to the corners of North America and it became difficult for Asibikaashi to reach all the children. So the mothers and grandmothers would weave magical webs for the children, using willow hoops and sinew, or cordage made from plants. The dream catchers would filter out all bad dreams and only allow good thoughts to enter the mind. Once the sun rises, all bad dreams just disappear.
Sacred Native American inspired Lodges, Fires and Pipe Ceremonies
Held here in Westminster, MD or at other locations as requested or needed.
Classroom Talks and Demo's on Native American Spirituality
We teach Native American traditions, tell stories and speak to the many gifts Native People have shared with us all that make our every day lives better. From formal classrooms to fire circles, we pass on those teachings that were shared with us.
Oracle Readings and Modern Day Séances with Dr. Gwen MacGregor
here in Westminster, MD.
(Ongoing) Beginners Spirituality Class
Elevate your Life ~ Stretch Your Mind !
Got that nudge? Looking for a teacher? Ready for the next level? Come join us for fun, power packed, interactive, transformative classes - the subjects which are created by YOU!
Come. Awaken the wisdom/teacher/healer within you..
Attention serious beginners students of Spirituality! This is an ongoing, one day a month, commitment to your personal growth and enlightenment. We know that each of you will come for different reasons. Some of you will come seeking answers. Some to perhaps satisfy a curiosity. Others are reaching for a deeper meaning to life. Some for clarification. Whatever the 'call' was that led you here, there are no accidents and no mistakes. You were meant to be here. The group will form a very special unique bond of trust and camaraderie. We will treat each other with dignity and respect. No question or though will be downplayed. We will honor each others sacred space, and what occurs in class will remain confidential.
Know that there is no right or wrong answers or thoughts. You can't pass or fail this course. You will however, obtain a completely new outlook on life. One that eliminates any false sense of separation and chip away at all that needless anxiety and fear. You will have learned there is so much more to life than just what we see with our eyes and gain tools to help you further expand your newly found perspectives. You will further deepen your own unique connection with all things human, animal, earthly and beyond. You may even see your own personal belief system in a completely new light. Or just throw it all out and start all over! With an open mind and an open heart, all things are possible.
We will cross all cultures and divides. We will look to the past, present and future within all sorts of modalities ranging from who we were, are, and will be and how we can reduce our carbon footprint by becoming more of the 'solution' and less of the 'problem'. If you care about your 'being' a better human 'being' overall .. take this class.
Here is a sample agenda list:
* Religious or Spiritual. Which are you? What is the difference? Is there a difference?
* How and why to build a home Altar and defining/creating Sacred Space.
* Why are we here? Can we change our future? Who or what is in charge?
* We will discuss The Medicine Wheel of Life, Karma and the Concept of Oneness.
* What is Divination and communication with the Spirit World. Explore Astrology, Numerology etc.
* How to manifest what you want in your life.
* Past lives. Do we come back? Who were we? Does it affect who I am today and if so how?
* Intuition and Psychic abilities. Do we all have them? How do we expand our personal abilities?
* What is Prayer, Healing and Energy work.
* Love, Generosity and the Power of Ceremony.
* Seance - commune with the Spirit world with reverence and respect.
* Possible field trips to Gettysburg for Sacred Native American Pipe Ceremony or to the Buddhist Temple in Poolesville MD
CONTACT US to answer any questions - join us !
Copyright © 2015-2025 Circle of Dawn- All Rights Reserved.
Megwitch-Thank you !
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin-We are all related. All My Relations.
En Lak’ech-I am another you.
Amahalach-May your Journey be good and blessed by the Creator.
Xata Zac Xata Amac-Only may there be peace in your presence.
Moon Rose Woman of the First Dawn, Buffalo Clan -Grandmother Michelle